Yankee Ned – An Island Legend

Edward ‘Yankee Ned’ Mosby was a Civil War veteran and naval deserter from the United States who, according to family legend, came to Australia aboard a whaling schooner in the late 1860s. Upon his arrival, he made his way to the Torres Strait region. In the mid-1860s he worked for John Jardine, the First Administrator and Magistrate of the Torres Strait Islands, at Somerset near the Albany Passage supposedly on an early pearling ship gathering beche-de-mer (sea cucumbers).

ITM3580248: Glass Plates E Series – Sea Cucumber Dept No.QSA0790

Eventually he made his way in his own boat to Masig Island, now known as Yorke Island. He lived among the islanders, learning more about the pearl and bêche-de-mer trades, and marrying local woman Kudin, who he affectionately called Queenie. They had four sons together.  

ITM1446418 – Road to village, Yorke Island, 1911

Yankee Ned established arrangements to work with the locals to harvest pearls and sea-slugs for themselves, instead of working for foreign pearlers. This made him more popular with some people on the island but he was not yet seen as a leader. After a clash with warriors from Mer (Murray) Island in which Yankee Ned organised a successful defence, the community of Masig Island came to accept him as a leader. He introduced new methods of gardening, built roads and established a western education system for the children of the island.

Torres Strait Regional Authority, Australian Government, The Torres Strait Regional Map

As he aged, Yankee Ned allowed his sons and grandsons to take over the family pearling business. After losing his leg to an infection from coral poisoning, Ned could no longer fish or dive. He retired to a European-style house he had built on the north side of the island. According to legend, after Yankee Ned noticed a foreign pearl diver watching him as he counted his pearls, he apparently buried the treasure in order to protect it and told no-one of its location.

ITM1443437: Yankee Ned and his grandchildren, Torres Strait Island Region; 20/07/1911

Yankee Ned died in 1911 at the age of 71 and was buried in the cemetery on Thursday Island. His legend remains alive among his descendants on Masig, as does the hope that Ned’s buried pearls may one day be found.

ITM1434977: Dancers, Yorke island, Torres Shire; June 1931

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9 Responses

    1. Anonymous

      Who wrote this lie story or told this crap,I wanna know??this white man wasn’t around the head hunting days,if he was,he would have lost his head there on the beach of Masig,head hunting stopped in 1800,this white man came 1860,60years later,stop telling lies,the people of Masig Island need to know the truth and nothing but the truth,if any one wanna know the truth,they got to ask the Nai families,they are the oldest family that ever walked that Island and that’s true👍

  1. Masig Native

    Masig island belong to the Nai
    family from 1400 to 1600 till now,the cheif named that island Masig,there was a legend there before that white men came

  2. Unknown

    The Nai families are the oldest family that ever walked that island,before them other 13 families that made Masig there home,but the island belongs to the Masig native,an it’s the Nai families..and that’s true

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